Best Practices

Sweepstakes Chargeback Prevention Experts

With the recent updates with VIRP, tightening down on fraud has never been more important. Sweepstake chargebacks are currently a significant issue for nearly all merchants.

At CB-ALERT, we are experts in the sweepstakes industry, and we go back nearly two decades in the high-risk payment space with our sister company and understand the many problems within the industry.

Let’s break down everything you need to know about these types of chargebacks and explain why we’re a great partner.

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American Express Chargebacks And Prevention Tips

American Express is currently the third largest card network in the world behind Visa and Mastercard. Since they are their own network, they handle American Express chargebacks and disputes separately from Visa and Mastercard. What makes their case a little different is that they also operate as an issuing bank and in some cases, an acquirer. In this article, we will break down everything you need to know about American Express chargebacks and explain how we can assist with your chargeback issues.

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