STAY ALERT With Our Chargeback Prevention Services

Experience fair and transparent pricing and understand why chargebacks occur for your business.

CB-ALERT Technology is tailored to all businesses, regardless of size.

Trusted by some of the biggest brands

Prevent Chargebacks
& Reduce MID Exposure

CB-ALERT provides a full suite of tools to fight fraud and limit chargeback exposure.

Chargeback Prevention Alerts

Respond to chargeback requests in real-time, prevent card-scheme monitoring programs (and fees!), and keep merchant accounts in good standing.

In-Dept Charts and Analytics
An easy-to-use platform developed by experienced industry veterans.

Fight Chargebacks & Recover Revenue

Discover a platform that is caters to your business.


CB-ALERT can help lower your chargeback ratio by providing greater transparency into customer orders.


Let CB-ALERT respond to and prevent your disputes in real-time, avoiding costly chargebacks.


Recover lost revenue, improve customer service, and increase customer satisfaction.

When Chargebacks Hurt Call CB-ALERT

How much are chargebacks costing you? If you've had it with chargebacks and are looking for a solution, you've just found it.

Swift Results

Stamp out fraudsters faster than ever. Decrease costs and stop revenue loss today.

100% Agnostic
We pride ourselves on our agnostic approach so that our clients can increase their revenue regardless of their platform.

Set up Your Chargeback Prevention demo Today

Prevent Chargebacks & Recover Revenue

Discover a platform that is catered to your business and preventing chargebacks

Chargebacks Don't Have To Be A Cost Of Doing Business

CB-ALERT is your one size fits all chargeback prevention service solution. It is our mission to save you money fighting chargebacks.
Let us intercept and stamp out fraud in real-time.

Industries We Serve

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& Fighting Chargebacks?

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