credit card fraud

Best Security Precautions and Practices in the Time of COVID-19

Merchants are susceptible to fraud and theft at the best of times, and the COVID-19 pandemic seems to have brought the worst out in a lot of people. Hackers and thieves are taking advantage of the confusion and are doing anything they can to crack our security and worm their way into our computer systems and our identities.

Best Security Precautions and Practices in the Time of COVID-19 Read More »

Chargeback 101: What’s the Difference between Friendly Fraud vs. Malicious Fraud?

When dealing with credit card fraud, there are two basic types: Friendly fraud and malicious fraud. And as a retail merchant accepting credit cards and other forms of digital payments, it’s important to understand both so you can combat them both in their own way. Let’s start with malicious fraud.

Chargeback 101: What’s the Difference between Friendly Fraud vs. Malicious Fraud? Read More »

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