Definitions & Explanations

What is the EMV Liability Shift and What Does it Mean for Merchants?

If you’re a merchant that has been accepting credit cards for a while, you’ve probably heard about the EMV liability shift and wondered how and if it affected you. If you’re fairly new to accepting credit card payments for your business, you may not even know it was a thing that caused a lot of issues for some people.

What is the EMV Liability Shift and What Does it Mean for Merchants? Read More »

Chargeback 101: What’s the Difference between Friendly Fraud vs. Malicious Fraud?

When dealing with credit card fraud, there are two basic types: Friendly fraud and malicious fraud. And as a retail merchant accepting credit cards and other forms of digital payments, it’s important to understand both so you can combat them both in their own way. Let’s start with malicious fraud.

Chargeback 101: What’s the Difference between Friendly Fraud vs. Malicious Fraud? Read More »

How CB-ALERT Can Help You With Rapid Dispute Resolution

Every merchant knows the frustration of being hit with chargebacks, and you’re probably tired of the delay in dealing with that 20 – 30-day resolution cycle, especially since you only have five days to respond to any chargebacks. The rest of the time you spend waiting for the bank to respond and bring this matter to a close.

How CB-ALERT Can Help You With Rapid Dispute Resolution Read More »

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